We really want everyone to feel happy with their purchase. In the exceptional cases where you need to return your item, you can do this within 14 days of receiving your item/s. (According to European laws you can return one or more items within 14 days from when you receive the goods).
Please email customer service at [email protected] to obtain the return authorisation. After receiving the confirmation, kindly place the item(s) securely in its original packaging and prepare the package to be shipped to our warehouse.
In the unlikely event your item is damaged or defective, please email customer service at [email protected] to arrange a refund or exchange. If we have tailored to you your item under your personal request, this item is non refundable.
In the case of purchases made as part of a "Buy One, Get One Free" offer, the free item (the lower-priced item) is not eligible for return or refund.
After receiving your return and inspecting the condition of your item, we will process your return. Please allow at least two (2) days from the receipt of your item to process your return. Refunds may take 3-7 billing cycles to appear on your bank statement, depending on your bank. We will notify you by email when your return has been processed.
Return Address
You can ship back your returns to the following address:
One Six
Alperton Lane, 1st Floor, Sage Brent
London HA0 1DX
If you are a consumer this legal notice does not affect your statutory rights which you have under law which cannot be excluded or limited. If you want to know what these rights are you should contact your local citizens’ advice bureau.